Tuesday, March 11, 2008


The title of my blog is in caps because my friends that just left are just that capitol people. Two of my good friends from New Mexico have been here for almost a week. They came to pack me up so I could move. Now that is friends that are SUPER. It has taken me several days to get over there being here. Trying to keep up with them just about did me in.

I drove to Dallas yesterday P was along to keep me awake but we did just fine. I am going to be able to drive again. This having to have people take me to Dallas is for the birds.

My patio home in Albuquerque didn't work out so. A couple of friends are looking at apartments for me. It is so upseting not to know where I am going to land. I think I will be more settled once I know where I am going.

Well, I have just been told I can't hold an estate sale here. I have just read my lease and it does not say anything about an estate sale. Now do I go ahead and hold one and make a enemy of the mangers that have been friends or do I try to do something else. At this point I don't know what the something else would be. Does anyone have a suggestion?

1 comment:

P M Prescott said...

Melissa picked up that box today