Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cave Towers --Cedar Mesa Utah

About 60 years ago the Reader's Digest published an article about ancient, square, stone towers. The Anasazi built these supposably for defense. They showed signs of a fire. They found a lot of arrow points. Archaeologist seemed to think a battle took place and the people that survived left the area.

Sixty years ago my sister and I spent an evening eating buttered crackers, and drinking tea. We were reading the article about the stone towers. We wondered where the stone towers were and what happened to the defenders of the towers. This was a memory very firmly etched in my mind.

I opened my Archaeology magazine today and found a small article. Talking about Cave Towers also called Mule Canyon Towers. These are along the mesa tops of the Utah/Colorado border.

This ruin is not high on the list of developed sites. The site is very fragile and visitors are not encouraged. The archaelogist still haven't discovered the answers to my questions of 60 years ago.

The mystery continues and small articles 60 years or so apart still keeps my interest in the stone towers. I know where they are and that it wasn't my imagination that they do exist.

At times in the past I have often thought that it was my imagination that the stone towers existed. Now I know that they do exist. TTFN.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Music 1950

New Mexico is sunny and warm this year for December.

The first year I was married 1950 sunny southern California. I was certainly not feeling like Christmas. (I was use to the hussel and bussel of the music store. With Christmas song being played on the outside speakers so all the bus transfer people would it enjoy it. That also made them come in and buy the latest Christmas records.) The radio in the car was playing Christmas music, hubby and I were singing along. It began to feel like Christmas. We bought a puppy for our Christmas present darling red cock er. Unfortunately she had worms and didn't live too long.

Grandson found some old Christmas cassettes in among the Christmas stuff. Tennessee Ernie Ford's album. Brings back memories of driving to Long Beach to a barn dance and seeing him. It was way before he was popular,- but what a thrill.

Christmas treat for the Marine base was Bob Hope. I was allowed to attend with hubby we were on the first row of bleachers. Hubby had his feet strung out in front of him they were just seating people behind us. No one should have been walking up the aisle. Someone stumbled over his feet and almost fell we did know who it was until he went up on the stage. Hubby's claim to fame Hope Bob fell over his feet.

We are playing Christmas music at home now but I do miss the Four Freshman album that we played so much on the record changer in Colorado.

Saturday, December 04, 2010


My friend Shari tells me I live too much in the past. We were talking about decorating for Christmas. I would rather talk about what I did in the past to think about now. I feel like it is rather useless for me to decorate for just me. I can't see that that is living in the past.

Son's blog showed someone from India wanting to read his blog on Penni's Story. I turned to it and it was clip from Dallas Morning News. It was one I seemed to have missed. Of course I read and cried all the way through it. So much was sweetpea's reaction to what was going on and she even told the counselor about her grandpa and how much she missed him.

I so hope sweetpea can be the bubbly happy little one she was then. Penni would have wanted it that way.