Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Home Again

If you have been reading Penni's blog you know what a heaven sent recovery she has been making. I have been torn between staying with my daughter and coming home to move.
I left in such a rush that I had moved one load of boxes from the office. The rest of the packed up office is still sitting there. I have decided to move one room at a time beginning with the office.

Eddie tried to move the couch into my new office and they couldn't get through the door from the living room. I have to see what is going on with that. He also got all the tree limbs out of the patio from the tree he cut down. He got rid of the terrible big juniper in the front yard you can really see the house now. It was so hard to leave Penni but she is doing so much better and I really need to get this move over.

My church in Texas found out I was there and why and they covered us up with food. Penni's church brought more so even there was a lot of us we had more than enough to eat.

More on the move later.

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