Monday, May 15, 2006

Another Update

Well I have drapes up but not curtains, still working on putting pictures up.

P and D have gone to San Antonio for a couple of days. Michelle is staying with her other grandmother. We will have to see how that goes. I am suppose to stay out of it.

My depression is better I've been out spending money. We bought a gate for the porch/deck. Sadie is happier to be shut on the deck instead of chained outside. I'm going to give her a bath again in the special shampoo. She still is eating herself alive. I was hoping taking her out of the dirt and grass would help. The vet seems to think every visit should cost 80 to 90 dollars. Hubby and I bought some new clothes we have been loosing weight and things don't fit. If I lose some more that will mean more new clothes.

Had a nice weekend, P and M came over on Saturday and bought me a little wheelbarrel with a couple of plants. It is really cute, P had to work on Sunday so she could be off Monday and Tuesday to go to San Antonio. Son P called on Saturday and we had a nice chat. Hubby and I went to Wills Point and had dinner and went to a movie we saw RV with Robin Williams. We really enjoyed it, it was so funny. Drive home in the dark wasn't too bad.

I bought the new anti-virus D wanted me to get but I still can't get on line with it installed. So I am going without anything to protect my computer. I hope D can come to help before too long.

Hubby is getting worse. I have had to tell him twice just this morning that he doesn't need to water. It rained a inch yesterday morning. He doesn't go back to the doc until August.

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