Wednesday, May 05, 2010

May 5,2010

My handyman friend was over today and did some things for me. He is trying to move to Tenessee so I don't get him very often. I fixed lunch and we had a good time. When he was leaving he told me that he was taking another lady in the neighborhood on a cruise. Needless to say I was disappointed. Everyone seems to be going some place but me. Oldest son going to his sons graduation in California. B and G when to San Diego. B called me and ask me to remember some of the places that we had gone together. A is going to another friends daughters graduation in NC. I probably shouldn't travel until I get stronger but I do feel left out.

I have spend another couple of days in the hospital since I last blogged. I guess the antibiotics got to me and with the runs for 12 hours I was very dehydrated. I have been weak since I got home but I am getting stronger each day. I finally finished all my test for my new heart doctor and I see him Monday.

I am anxious for Michelle and Richie to come for visits this summer. The weather has turned hot and I need to do some gardening. We are going after dog food tonight just waiting for Shari to call.

I sent another appeal off for the ambulance bill of last September. I have had two ambulance rides since then I wonder when I will get the bill for them. It seems as if the ambulance attendant put down that I didn't need to use a ambulance so medicare if refusing to pay for it. The doctor has sent two letters stating that I did need to use the ambulance but medicare believes the ambulance attendant, I have appeal it twice lets see what this brings. The bill is $500.00 so that is why I am fighting it.

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